Intermediate French Coordinator:
Dr. Rori Bloom
(352) 392-2016 x239
238 Dauer Hall |
Required Textbooks:
-En Bonne Forme (7th Edition) + Lab Manual + CD.
Simone Renaud Dietiker, Dominique Van Hoof
ISBN#: 0-618-185-00-3
-a "good" bilingual dictionary
Description of Course:
FRE 2241 Intermediate Conversation in French 2 (2nd semester) is a two-hour credit course devoted to
conversation in French and is taught in conjunction with 2201.
The class meets twice of week. FRE 2241 applies grammar and newly acquired vocabulary to conversational and communicative contexts.
It is recommended that students take FRE 2201 (3 credits) and FRE 2241 (2 credits) simultaneously since each course focuses on a different and complementary aspect of language learning. FRE 2201 builds writing and reading skills through a review of the main topics in French grammar. FRE 2241 is devoted to speaking and listening through exercises including the study of films, class discussion, and oral presentations.
Video and audio material for the class are available in the Language Learning Center.
The Language Learning Center is located in Turlington 1341. (392-2112). Open M-F. 8-6 (Friday 8-5 only)
FRE 2241 is entirely devoted to conversation and listening comprehension. Activities will include discussion of articles,
news programs and films.
Oral presentations will be scheduled at the beginning of the term where each student will present a topic of his/her choice.
Class preparation before class meets is compulsory. Each student is asked to prepare a special notebook with short entries on each preparation for class discussion and lists of new vocabulary. These notebooks will be collected twice during the semester by the instructor, starting week 3.
FRE 2241 requires active participation in French.
Prerequisites and Placement:
FRE 2200 or Placement Exam (see Undergraduate Catalogue for SAT II, AP or IB scores.) If you have any questions about your placement in this course, please contact the 2nd Year Coordinator (e-mail: during THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES.
-Presentation: 30%
-Attendance and Participation: 20%
-Preparations/Journal: 15%
-Quizzes: 10%
-Final Exam: 25%
Attendance and
Tardiness policy:
the class meets only 30 times during the entire semester, attendance is of the
utmost importance. Consequently, no more than three absences can be accepted.
Every absence after the third will result in a penalty of –2 pts in the final
grade. The instructor can excuse some absences if the proper documents are
provided to him. The instructor reserves the right to excuse an absence or not.
Keep in mind that any unexcused absence also results in an lower grade in
participation as if a student is not in class he/her cannot participate.
-As tardiness is disruptive to the class, every time a student will be late, a
penalty will be applied to the participation.
Appropriate classroom decorum:
Each student in the class is expected to participate in a responsible and mature manner that enhances the educational process. Any conduct that, in the judgement of the instructor, disrupts the learning process will lead to disciplinary action.
Our statement regarding academic dishonesty:
Academic Honesty: The University of Florida statement regarding academic honesty reads: “On my honor, I have neither given or received unauthorized aid on my work.” Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the giving or taking of any information or material of academic work considered in the determination of the course grade. “Giving information includes but is not limited to allowing other students to use or copy class work or answers to exam questions either while the exam is being given or after having taken the exam. Further, the taking of information includes, but is not limited to, copying from the answers provided in the book or ancillary materials, copying from another student’s paper during an examination, working with someone else or using information already written in books or lab manual assignments, asking anyone, students or not to review and/or correct assignments. Students found in violation of this policy will be referred to the appropriate program administration for appropriate action according to the student judicial process.
Students with Special Needs:
Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation. It is the student’s responsibility to take the appropriate steps in informing the instructor of any special needs and for arranging any accommodations with ample time to administer them.
For more information, please refer yourself to the syllabus :
-Word Document: